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This species caused quite a stir when Understory Enterprises first imported the type locality morph from the area around Shucushuyacu, Peru. Brilliant red head and bright blue netted legs over a jet black body - they were like nothing the hobby had seen before. Initially priced at $400ea this morph proved easy to breed causing the price to drop fairly quickly. Understory imported the morph from Pampa Hermosa next, and while beautiful, it hasn't been as popular or proven as easy to breed for most. We will see if the recently photographed "Lemon Head" morph makes its way into the hobby in the near future.
Courting is initiated by the male with a buzzing call similar to R. variabilis but repeated for 5 to 10 seconds. The call can be heard easily outside the enclosure. If interested the female will follow the male around the enclosure, walking in a jerky fashion and stroking his back. These frogs lay 3 to 8 light gray eggs every 10 to 14 days on horizontal surfaces, often showing preference for overlapping leaves on short plants or in the leaf litter. Our frogs lay in film canisters, and prefer ones that are black, mounted amongst leaves with the opening facing the rear of the enclosure. The male will transport tads, freqently 2-3 at a time to water, including film canisters.
Care: Intermediate, large as adults but rocket fast, sometimes shy
Groups: Yes, male heavy
Breeding: Easy, horizontal film canisters on the sides or in the leaf litter, sometimes leaflitter used exclusively
Tadpoles: No parental care after deposition, recommend pulling after deposition
Froglets: Small - Medium, springtails are a help
Tips: It can be hard to find eggs. Sometimes it's best to provide plenty of deposition sites and just pull tads.
This species caused quite a stir when Understory Enterprises first imported the type locality morph from the area around Shucushuyacu, Peru. Brilliant red head and bright blue netted legs over a jet black body - they were like nothing the hobby had seen before. Initially priced at $400ea this morph proved easy to breed causing the price to drop fairly quickly. Understory imported the morph from Pampa Hermosa next, and while beautiful, it hasn't been as popular or proven as easy to breed for most. We will see if the recently photographed "Lemon Head" morph makes its way into the hobby in the near future.
Courting is initiated by the male with a buzzing call similar to R. variabilis but repeated for 5 to 10 seconds. The call can be heard easily outside the enclosure. If interested the female will follow the male around the enclosure, walking in a jerky fashion and stroking his back. These frogs lay 3 to 8 light gray eggs every 10 to 14 days on horizontal surfaces, often showing preference for overlapping leaves on short plants or in the leaf litter. Our frogs lay in film canisters, and prefer ones that are black, mounted amongst leaves with the opening facing the rear of the enclosure. The male will transport tads, freqently 2-3 at a time to water, including film canisters.
Care: Intermediate, large as adults but rocket fast, sometimes shy
Groups: Yes, male heavy
Breeding: Easy, horizontal film canisters on the sides or in the leaf litter, sometimes leaflitter used exclusively
Tadpoles: No parental care after deposition, recommend pulling after deposition
Froglets: Small - Medium, springtails are a help
Tips: It can be hard to find eggs. Sometimes it's best to provide plenty of deposition sites and just pull tads.
Pampa Hermosa
The second of the morphs to enter the hobby via Understory. My favorite between the two, but overall, not as popular as the first.
The first morph into the US. Not the greatest pictures here, but still a beautiful frog.
The first eggs - just a month after the first shipment to the US. My initial group proved to be very fertile, like many of the others that came down from Canada.
Just a months worth of clutches from my initial 2.2 group.