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Ranitomeya vanzolinii is a member of the genetic group with imitator, flavovittata and sirensis and have shown to have monogamous relationships in the wild. In captivity, the frogs have proven to be excellent parents, with a pair raising six tadpoles with feeder eggs at one time. Pairs and trios of white/gray eggs are laid on vertical surfaces like in R. imitator, but vanzolinii seem to be much better at hiding eggs than our imitator and rarely use the film canisters. I switched to placing many water filled canisters in the enclosure and letting the male deposit the tads. Sometimes these frogs can be reluctant to breed, taking two years to start. Switching adults around sometimes works, but often simply time is needed.
The frogs pictured are from European imports. Understory Enterprises has made fully legal, site specific, frogs available as well.
Care: Beginner, sometimes shy
Groups: Yes, but shown to be monagamous in the wild
Breeding: Intermediate, film canisters upside down vertically or horizontal
Tadpoles: Excellent parental care after deposition, recommend leaving tadpoles with parents
Froglets: Medium, springtails are a help, tadpoles left with parents morph larger
Tips: Lower light levels result in bolder frogs
Ranitomeya vanzolinii is a member of the genetic group with imitator, flavovittata and sirensis and have shown to have monogamous relationships in the wild. In captivity, the frogs have proven to be excellent parents, with a pair raising six tadpoles with feeder eggs at one time. Pairs and trios of white/gray eggs are laid on vertical surfaces like in R. imitator, but vanzolinii seem to be much better at hiding eggs than our imitator and rarely use the film canisters. I switched to placing many water filled canisters in the enclosure and letting the male deposit the tads. Sometimes these frogs can be reluctant to breed, taking two years to start. Switching adults around sometimes works, but often simply time is needed.
The frogs pictured are from European imports. Understory Enterprises has made fully legal, site specific, frogs available as well.
Care: Beginner, sometimes shy
Groups: Yes, but shown to be monagamous in the wild
Breeding: Intermediate, film canisters upside down vertically or horizontal
Tadpoles: Excellent parental care after deposition, recommend leaving tadpoles with parents
Froglets: Medium, springtails are a help, tadpoles left with parents morph larger
Tips: Lower light levels result in bolder frogs